Awakening to Origins


Ben Cauchi, Chen Ke, Chen Qingqing, Du Wei, Jayne Dyer, Gonkar Gyatso, He Sen, Hu Shengping, Huang Yan, Jiang Long, Xie Guoping, Li Jinguo, Li Xiaofeng, Liu Jin, Liu Qinghe, Lv Zhe, Mao Tongqian, Nong Shaohua, Sheng Qi, Su Xinping, Tie Xin, Wang Qiang, Zhang Zhaohui, Zhao Chi

“Awakening to Origins”  

Contemporary life is sometimes described as a return to original sources in natural life for personal entry into realities of history.  One question for technological civilizations today is how the individual person has contact with natural origins that are not already engineered and processed.  Is life today entirely conditioned and swamped by ready-made high-tech imagery?  Or can each person still awaken to the essence of natural life by savoring elements of visible space, touch, and taste that are more stable than temporary experiences of things?  The contemporary artists here invite you to savor the origins of sensuous life.  They return to sensuous origins in inventive ways: a scintillating non-object sparkles within a dull suitcase, shape is split to reveal fruitful interiors, the inner touch of a living finger is present by its absence, mountains fuse with touch and territories of body, and  sparks of fire make pin-points of empty space for entry into the great original universe. Through marvelous waters without objects and skies with no names, you cross over to a space right before your own eyes.  The challenges of awakening are not hidden: butterflies perish or are forgotten in bubble wrap, portals shade into darkness, and skin thickens.  Yet, artistry creates new patterns from shards of history, and the unity between persons is mirrored and displayed as dialogue. The artists here offer the vitality and uniqueness of human life that supports existence and the world of things.    

David Adam Brubaker

9 am - 5 pm, Tuesday - Sunday
798 Art District,
No. 2 Jiuxianqiao Road,
Chaoyang District, Beijing, China
(+86) 137 0107 8721
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