红门 - 资助Funded Open Calls for Chinese Artists in Iran & Australia
Feb 26,2019

前往的艺术驻地是:伊朗 Kooshk 和 澳大利亚 Bundanon
Red Gate Residency is pleased to announce two funded Open Calls, which cover a program fee and an economy class air ticket to two selected partner residencies: Kooshk and Bundanon
Requirement: must speak and understand English
Please carefully read the information below about each residency and fill in the application form before the deadline! Please note:we would give preference for Chinese artists living in China at the moment.
Bundanon Trust ( Australia 澳大利亚 )
驻留日期: 2019年 7月 27日 - 8 月23日
Residency period: July 27th to August 23rd 2019
地点: 澳大利亚 邦达努镇悉尼南部3.5小时车程
Residency Location: Bundanon and Riversdale on Shoalhaven River (roughly 3.5-hour drive south of Sydney)
申请截止日期 Deadline: 2019年3月10日
交换项目包括:工作和居住空间,参与驻地项目活动,往返机票费用(限 4000RMB)
The award includes: Studio and living space at Bundanon, participation in residency activities and a round-trip airfare (up to 4000RMB)艺术家本人承担:保险费,签证费,生活费和材料费
The artist is responsible for: insurance, visa fees, living expenses, and art materials
项目网址 Residency Website: https://bundanon.com.au/residencies/
申请链接 Application Link: https://redgateresidency.wufoo.com/forms/zigbvhk1ppriwd/
请复制到浏览器: https://redgateresidency.wufoo.com/forms/zigbvhk1ppriwd/
名额数量 Number of awards: 1
Requirement: must speak and understand English
Bundanon Trust 成立于1993年,通过其艺术家驻留,教育,展览和表演活动来参与支持艺术实践。地理位置于自然和文化遗产的保护区中,并致力于发扬其景观价值。Established in 1993, Bundanon Trust supports arts practice and engagement with the arts through its residency, education, exhibition and performance programs. In preserving the natural and cultural heritage of its site Bundanon promotes the value of landscape in all our lives. Bundanon的艺术家驻留项目向所有专业的个人或团体艺术家开放,支持澳大利亚和国际艺术家的新创作,研究与合作,并在新南威尔士州南海岸的肖尔黑文河特别建造的工作室中进行。该驻留项目吸引了来自澳大利亚和海外的多元化当代艺术家和思想家。Bundanon's Artist-in-Residence program is open to professional artists and thinkers from all disciplines, individually or in groups. Bundanon supports new work, research and collaborations by Australian and international artists, and hosts them in purpose-built studios on their Shoalhaven River properties on the south coast of New South Wales. The program attracts diverse contemporary artists and thinkers from both within Australia and overseas.
Kooshk ( Iran 伊朗 )
驻留日期: 2019年 7月 1日 - 7 月31日
Residency period: July 1st to July 31st 2019
地点: 德黑兰
Residency Location: Tehran
申请截止日期 Deadline: 2019年3月10日
交换项目包括:工作和居住空间,参与驻地项目活动,往返机票费用(限 4000RMB)
The award includes: Studio and living space at Kooshk, participation in residency activities and a round-trip airfare (up to 4000RMB)
艺术家本人承担: 保险费,签证费,生活费和材料费
The artist is responsible for: insurance, visa fees, living expenses and art materials
项目网址 Residency Website: http://kooshkresidency.com/about-kooshk/
申请链接 Application Link: https://redgateresidency.wufoo.com/forms/znb7xyn15mmh2s/
请复制到浏览器: https://redgateresidency.wufoo.com/forms/znb7xyn15mmh2s/
名额数量 Number of awards: 2
Requirement: must speak and understand English
位于伊朗德黑兰的Kooshk ( 酷式客 )艺术驻地项目起始于2014年,是当前伊朗最活跃的国际艺术交流机构,在德黑兰这座历史名城为各国艺术家们提供良好的创作、生活及研讨空间。Kooshk欢迎各路艺术家、文化人、电影人及学术人才前往。Kooshk residency, established in mid-2014, is a non-profit space for arts and culture in Tehran. Kooshk provides a convenient space for artists, curators, researchers, writers and filmmakers to encourage inter-cultural dialogue and art creation. Kooshk strives to contribute to the development of Iranian art and culture through participation in international exchange programs with cultural institutes worldwide. These exchange programs allow the blending of cultures, provoke creativity and foster beneficial connections among nations. Kooshk welcomes and encourages qualified individuals from any discipline to contribute to the formation of this cultural movement by applying to use the facilities provided in Kooshk residences and studios.
If you have any questions please email juliaresidency@redgategallery.com