Zhou Jirong Uncertain Landscape
24/04/14 15:10 Filed in: Zhou Jirong

http: // www.mca.com.au/artists-and-works/building-commissions/guan-wei-journey-australia-2013/
The Opposite House exhibitions
09/07/12 13:30 Filed in: Liu QingHe | island6
John MacDonald writes about Red Gate

National Museum Australia - A New Horizon - Contemporary Chinese Art
2011 was the year of Chinese culture in Australia. As part of that, A New Horizon an exhibition of contemporary Chinese art was held at the National Museum of Australia. Three Red Gate artists were included. This mini site on their main website is a delight. Link
20 Years - Two Generations of Artists at Red Gate
05/07/11 10:31 Filed in: Opening | Two Generations | Li Gang | Xie Guoping | Wang Lifeng | Chen Qingqing | Shi Zhongying | Zhou Jun | Liu QingHe | Zheng Xuewu | Su Xinping | Tan Ping | Jiang Weitao | Han Qing | Red Gate Gallery | Guan Wei | Lv Peng | Zhou Jirong | Chen Yufei | Gade | Brian Wallace | Chen Ke | Wang Yuping
A video of the Vernissage on July 2, 2011
Brian interviewed in his hometown
04/02/11 13:29 Filed in: Brian Wallace | Red Gate Gallery

The co-curators of the exhibition are Taree-born Brian Wallace, who founded the internationally renowned Red Gate Gallery in Beijing in 1991 and Catherine Croll, Director of Cultural Partnerships Australia. 2012 is The Year of Chinese Culture in Australia. We talked to Brian Wallace about his work in China and the importance of bringing this exhibition to his hometown of Taree The co-curators of the exhibition are Taree-born Brian Wallace, who founded the internationally renowned Red Gate Gallery in Beijing in 1991 and Catherine Croll, Director of Cultural Partnerships Australia. 2012 is The Year of Chinese Culture in Australia. We talked to Brian Wallace about his work in China and the importance of bringing this exhibition to his hometown of Taree The co-curators of the exhibition are Taree-born Brian Wallace, who founded the internationally renowned Red Gate Gallery in Beijing in 1991 and Catherine Croll, Director of Cultural Partnerships Australia. 2012 is The Year of Chinese Culture in Australia. We talked to Brian Wallace about his work in China and the importance of bringing this exhibition to his hometown of Taree The co-curators of the exhibition are Taree-born Brian Wallace, who founded the internationally renowned Red Gate Gallery in Beijing in 1991 and Catherine Croll, Director of Cultural Partnerships Australia. 2012 is The Year of Chinese Culture in Australia. We talked to Brian Wallace about his work in China and the importance of bringing this exhibition to his hometown of Taree The co-curators of the exhibition are Traree-born Brian Wallace, who founded the internationally renowned Red gAte Gallery in Beijng in 1991 and Catherine Croll, can i type here pleasennnAs part of The 2 Generations tour of Australia Brian was interviewed in his home town. (link)
Li Xiaofeng's Lacoste shirt
13/06/10 13:11 Filed in: Li Xiaofeng

The strangely named Oddditycentral.com does a photo-spread of Li Xiaofeng’s publicity surrounding his Lacoste shirts. Wallpaper magazine follows this up with a video of the launch and interview with the artist.